Home Food ReviewsCuisineBreakfast The Yum Me Place, Jalan Batai

The Yum Me Place, Jalan Batai

by Bangsar Babe

A good friend told me about this gem of a stall serving Kai Si Hor Fun at The Yum Me Place in Jalan Batai. She claims it’s very good and better than what’s available in Ipoh – a very bold statement, I thought.

Seeing how much she raves about this KSHF place (she eats there 3-4 times a week), I decided to join her for an early lunch to see what the fuss is about. The Yum Me Place occupies the corner lot at Batai and houses several food stalls including the kai si hor fun stall which is next to the window.

Kai Si Hor Fun stall at The Yum Me Place

Manned by an elderly uncle with 3 helpers, the kai si hor fun is delicious. I wouldn’t say it’s better than Ipoh, but I prefer this to the ones from Ipoh. Because the broth is thicker and more flavour-packed from the chicken stock and prawns.

Chicken drumstick and prawn hor fun

They are also generous with the prawn oil, which gives the broth a burnt orange hue and good aroma. Definitely more concentrated than the kai si hor fun I’ve had in Ipoh, in a delicious way. I went for the best seller – chicken drumstick/thigh with prawn hor fun (RM13) but if you’re a KSHF purist, you can opt for the shredded chicken hor fun (RM10).

One of the best in KL, I feel!

Prawn wantan

The kuay teow is thin and silken, and the bowl is topped with fried shallots and chives. The chicken (drumstick) is smooth and tender, so I reckon the shredded chicken will also be good. We ordered a bowl of prawn wantan (RM10 for 6 pieces) to share; they use fresh whole prawns so the wantan is sweet and toothsome.

Chicken drumstick with soy sauce

On my second visit, I ordered the same items but added on a plate of chicken drumstick with soy sauce (RM7). Like the chicken in my kai si hor fun, this was smooth, tender and savoury from the soy sauce and sesame oil mix. A nice add-on to the kai si hor fun, but not a highlight.

A thing of beauty

I’ve had my fair share of kai si hor fun in KL and I feel this is one of the best around. Definitely suited to my liking and palate (Read: thicker and richer broth). Portion is a tad small for the price but it is what it is given the inflation and coffeeshop location.

The Yum Me Place gets pretty crowded by lunch hour so if you’re planning a visit, it’s best to go at 11am or earlier. I was there early on both visits, so it was fairly comfortable. I suggest getting a table by the window as there’s better ventilation.

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Ambiance: 5.5/10
Price: 6/10
Food: 8/10 (non-halal)
Verdict: One of the best kai si hor fun in KL. Enough said.

Do you have a food recommendation? Tell us!

The Yum Me Place
7 Jalan Batai,
Damansara Heights
50490, Kuala Lumpur.
Business hours: 7.30am till 2pm
(closed Sunday)

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