Public Relations 101

I love working with people and brands; even more so when it’s a fun campaign as that’s when I get to be my most creative. If you’re interested in collaborating with me, here are some pointers on how I’d like to be approached. :) #PR101

Addressing my name
As a blogger and social media personality, people sometimes forget that I’m a person too. I would really appreciate it if I was treated with respect, so please address me by my name (Sue Lynn) instead of generic greetings like “Dear Blogger”. This way, I’m more likely to respond better.


Familiarise yourself with my brand

For the sake of both our interests, please take the time to familiarise yourself with my blog before deciding if I’m a good fit for you. There’s no point broadcasting your email to every blogger in your database, in hopes of landing a few who are interested.

Keep it short, sweet and simple
Do make your email succinct with information and images that will appeal to me and my readers. If I’m interested, you can share more details in a follow up email.

Be nice, personalise
I’m more receptive if you’re friendly to begin with, so I reckon it can’t hurt to write me a more personal email? Besides, nobody likes to be treated like a robot. ;)

My readers come first
I try to give my readers valuable and honest content that they’re going to enjoy. So before you send me an email, make sure you have something that is going to interest me and my readers.

Send a reminder
If you sent me an email about something you thought I’d be interested in, drop me a reminder in a week if you haven’t heard back. There’s no need to send more than one reminder.

Last minute notices
I know you PR people are busy, but last minute notices aren’t cool. Especially when I’ve taken the time to reply to your emails and sort my (busy) schedule out for you. Please respect my time, as I respect yours.

Paid Content
I accept paid content cautiously. If you’re interested, please contact me to discuss matters.